
TheAnnexXVIIofREACHregulationcontainsthelistofrestrictionsofcertainhazardoussubstances,mixturesandarticlesfortheirmarketing ...,ThetablebelowistheAnnexXVIItoREACHandincludesalltherestrictionsadoptedintheframeworkofREACHandthepreviouslegislation, ...,2.在不違反歐盟危害物質與混合物的分類、包裝與標示之規定.下,依據前述情形符合石綿纖維和石綿纖維成品之使用與上.市規範,供應商應依據REACH附錄72作 ...,...


The Annex XVII of REACH regulation contains the list of restrictions of certain hazardous substances, mixtures and articles for their marketing ...

Substances restricted under REACH - ECHA

The table below is the Annex XVII to REACH and includes all the restrictions adopted in the framework of REACH and the previous legislation, ...

[PDF] 歐洲化學總署公告REACH 法規附件17(ANNEX XVII)限制清單清單 ...

2. 在不違反歐盟危害物質與混合物的分類、包裝與標示之規定. 下,依據前述情形符合石綿纖維和石綿纖維成品之使用與上. 市規範,供應商應依據REACH 附錄72作 ...

EU REACH Restriction List (Annex XVII) | Inventory Overview

Annex XVII of REACH is a list of hazardous substances, mixtures or articles that are restricted or prohibited for EU market.

EU REACH Restriction List (Annex XVII)

The Annex XVII of EU REACH regulation contains the list of restrictions of certain hazardous substances, mixtures and articles for their ...

REACH Restricted Substances List (RSL) | CIRS - cirs

Currently, there are 59 categories of restricted substances in REACH Annex XVII, involving more than 1000 substances. These hazardous substances have specific ...

Restrictions under REACH

Restriction is a measure for protecting human health and/or the environment from risks posed by chemicals on their own, in mixtures or in articles.


Annex XVII of REACH lists restricted chemicals with details of their restrictions and concentration limits. These chemicals are restricted to protect workers, ...